Experimental investigation of a body movement on trajectories with different profiles: inclined line, parabola and cycloid
Physics teaching, Experimental activity, Meaningful learningAbstract
This study was conducted under the Research Teaching methodology, based on the assumptions of the Theory of Meaningful Learning. Our objective was to investigate the effectiveness of using a simple experiment to aid the teaching-learning of concepts and magnitudes in Newtonian mechanics. The experimental practice allowed not only the observation of the phenomenon, but also the acquisition of data with the aid of the Lexis Audio Editor mobile application. The interdisciplinarity between Physics and Mathematics was present when designing an apparatus in which these familiar geometric shapes were used: line, parabola and cycloid. The product was applied to a class in the 1st year of a public High School in the city of Rio de Janeiro. It was observed that the activity enabled conceptual change, allowing students to reconstruct and expand their learning. They also developed experimental skills considered to be quite relevant to basic training in formal education.Downloads
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