The importance of social indicators in research focused on race relations
Race, Racism, Social indicatorsAbstract
Studies focused on the analysis of race relations show that, in Brazil, the social reading of the phenotype is one of the main elements of social classification. In view of this, this work proposes to investigate, in the light of Applied Social Sciences and based on the theorists that deal with the theme, how such categories were constructed and reframed when it comes to the evaluation of social policies in the Brazilian State. Our intention with this article is to carry out a theoretical analysis regarding the production of social indicators with black and brown social categories as the central element. Its development is structured as follows: we started with Pierre Bourdieu's Field Theory as one of the theoretical elements that base this study. Next, the article discusses how race relations in Brazil are built and reproduced. The text ends with the search to understand the importance of choosing and building indicators for the evaluation of social policies.Downloads
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