High School Education integrated into the “Base Nacional Comum Curricular”: reflections on omnilateral and decolonial Spanish Language education
High School Education integrated, Decoloniality, Technical and Vocational Education and Training, BNCC, Spanish LanguageAbstract
This text is the result of discussions promoted in the Conceptual Bases for Technical and Vocational Education and Training. The methodology is characterized as a bibliographical review in which the theoretical contribution is mainly the discussion based on High School Education integrated, on the Base Nacional Comum Curricular - BNCC, in addition to documents that regulate this type of teaching in Brazil, with a focus on teaching additional languages, especially the Spanish language: Curriculum Guidelines for High School, Laws No. 11.161/2005 and No. 13.415/2017. Therefore, this discussion addresses key concepts for the foundation of Integrated Secondary Education, associating them with Decolonial Pedagogy according to the BNCC, as these concepts represent a praxis based on the creation and construction of social, political, cultural conditions of non-hegemonic thought. The analysis reveals the erasure process that, despite the work carried out by the Fica Espanhol Movement and by the Spanish Teachers Associations and by law No. 3.849/19, this language has been suffering since the repeal of Law No. 11.161/2005 by Law No. 13.415/2017, called the Secondary Education Reform Law; otherwise, there is no mention of teaching Spanish at the BNCC.Downloads
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