Residential care for children and adolescents: echoes of the doctrine of irregular situation
Institutionalization, Residential care, Children and adolescentsAbstract
The present study discusses the culture of institutionalization of children and adolescents developed in Brazil, based on the questioning of the time of issuance of reception and dismissal guides by the judiciary and the reasons that justified the application of this measure by guardianship council, as revealing aspects of remnants of the doctrine of irregular situation. A total of 144 personal records of children and adolescents attended by an institutional care service in a municipality in the State of Pará were analyzed, from 2009 to 2020, based on descriptive analyzes (frequency, mean and standard deviation) and t test, considering the level of statistical significance at p<0.05. It is concluded, based on the results, that echoes of the culture of institutionalization of children and adolescents are observable in the reasons and justifications presented by guardianship council, almost always validating the poverty-risk binomial and with moralizing and pathologizing discourse of the family's housing conditions, as well as by the difference between the time of issuing the reception and dismissal guides by the judiciary.Downloads
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