An outsider and the experience of migration: reflections on the representations of migrants in the fictional context of Samuel Rawet’s work
Samuel Rawet, Migration, IdentityAbstract
This article seeks to establish a reflection concerning the representation of migrant in the tale “O Profeta” e “Gringuinho”, which integrates the work Contos do Imigrante by Samuel Rawet. So, our theoretical references is based on some studies concerning the writings of this author, among which stands out Silva (2009), Brasil (No Date) Kirschbaum (2002), Chiarelli (2005), Engellaum (2006). In addition, to discuss the subject of the migrant presented in the tales, we based ourselves in the analysis of the category identity, as in the debate about migration. Thus, we observe that the fact of Rawet being a migrant, an outsider or someone moved from the literature believed as canonical somehow interfered in the constitution of the characters of the tales, being this interference an element capable of introducing the possibility of use the representations that forms the fictional work to discuss aspects related to the question of migration.Downloads
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