Environmental diagnosis as a contribution to land use planning of Campos dos Goytacazes


  • Roberta de Sousa Ramalho


Land use planning, Environmental diagnosis, Gis


This work presents the environmental diagnosis of Campos dos Goytacazes aiming at the production of basic information and orientation for land use planning in the municipality. As Campos dos Goytacazes has a territory of 4036 km2, this research is based on regional scale. The analyzed environmental aspects are geology, geomorphology, soils and use capacity of the resources as declivity. These aspects were initially analyzed as maps, and then converted to digital format and inserted in the geographical information system Idrisi for Windows 3.2. The modeling used was the simple crossing of the digital maps and field analysis consisting of a systematic photographic survey of the landscape in all the synthesis crossing units, and the collection of sample rocks destined to the production of ornamental rocks and the bibliographical survey on other studies conducted in the region. Results show that Campos dos Goytacazes can be divided in geologic-geomorphological units with singular environmental behavior and that these units can orient detailed studies for an effective land use planning.


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Dissertation and thesis abstracts

How to Cite

RAMALHO, Roberta de Sousa. Environmental diagnosis as a contribution to land use planning of Campos dos Goytacazes. Revista Vértices, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 1/3, p. 191–192, 2010. Disponível em: https://editoraessentia.iff.edu.br/index.php/vertices/article/view/78.. Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.