Emancipatory education: an approach between the concepts of Paulo Freire and István Mészáros
Class consciousness, Inequality, István Mészáros, Paulo Freire, Emancipatory educationAbstract
In the present article with a qualitative approach, there will be a debate about the common points in the assumptions of Paulo Freire and István Mészáros about education. To this end, at first, the presentation of the authors and their main contributions to the field were made. Through the use of concepts and categories emerging from the Marxian work, the authors choose education as a political act and, therefore, capable of transforming reality. It is understood that the subjects inherit the social conditions that were transmitted to them in a previous way and act according to the concrete possibilities of material life, which will compose the cycle of transmission, giving continuity to the social process and the history of humanity. In this perspective, Paulo Freire and István Meszáros defend the promotion of education as an emancipatory instrument for the subjects, process initiated by the recognition of men in the face of historical, economic and social conditions. In the year of the celebration of Paulo Freire's centennial, this article presents itself as an invitation: an invitation to the fight for education, respect, recognition and appreciation of Education workers.Downloads
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