Vocational Agricultural Education in Amazonas: a historical analysis of Aprendizado Agrícola Rio Branco (1941-1946)
Vocational Agricultural Education, Agricultural Learning, History of the School InstitutionAbstract
This article is inserted in the field of History of School Institutions of Vocational Education, and it had as research object the Agricultural Learning Rio Branco, with the objective of understanding its school culture in the period from 1941 to 1946. It is a research with a qualitative approach, according to Minayo (2009), with documentary research as a data collection methodology. The theoretical support had the contributions of Antonio Viñao Frago (1995). Thus, first, the historical path of the school institution in question is offered; and later on, some official documents are analyzed, such as the Internal Regulation of Agricultural Apprenticeships, through Ordinance 708/43 (BRASIL, 1943b), and the Report of the Minister of Agriculture (BRASIL, 1945), which helped to understand a little the internal dynamics of this institution. Furthermore, we hope that this writing can contribute to the unveiling of Vocational Agricultural Education, both in Amazonas and in other Brazilian states, when presenting the school culture of this institution.Downloads
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BRASIL. Decreto n.º 16.840, de 24 de março de 1925. Transfere o Aprendizado Agrícola de S. Luiz de Missões e dá outras providências. Disponível em: https://www2.camara.leg.br/legin/fed/decret/1920-1929/decreto-16840-24-marco-1925-520598-publicacaooriginal-1-pe.html. Acesso em: 22 abr. 2021.
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BRASIL. Decreto n.º 2.231, de 30 de dezembro de 1937b. Cria um Aprendizado Agrícola no Estado do Amazonas. Disponível em: https://www2.camara.leg.br/legin/fed/decret/1930-1939/decreto-2231-30-dezembro-1937-346530-publicacaooriginal-1-pe.html. Acesso em: 18 ago. 2020.
BRASIL. Decreto-Lei n.º 1.029, de 6 de janeiro de 1939. Dá denominações aos Aprendizados Agrícolas do Ministério da Agricultura. Disponível em: https://www2.camara.leg.br/legin/fed/declei/1930-1939/decreto-lei-1029-6-janeiro-1939-350236-publicacaooriginal-1-pe.html. Acesso em: 28 out. 2021.
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