Educational management: the implementation of the Heteroidentification Committee at IFFluminense to implement racial quotas
public policy, affirmative actions, teaching, black, TVETAbstract
Brazil has a historical debt to its original peoples and black people. The structural racism that prevails in the country widens the discrepancy in the educational level of black and brown people and generates a high level of social vulnerability due to the lack of opportunities for the group. Therefore, the establishment of affirmative policies is of great importance in public education. This work describes the implementation of the Heteroidentification Committee at IFFluminense and questions the fact that the inspection tool is only used in postgraduate selection processes. The methodology used in the research is qualitative based with documentary analysis at different scales. Quality basic and technical education is still not a guarantee for the majority of black and brown people in Brazil. Fighting for the implementation of racial quotas at all levels of education is seeking equity and greater opportunities to achieve citizenship.Downloads
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