Prevalence of chromosomal mosaicisms in 2,500 cytogenetic studies carried out in a genetics laboratory in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil
Cytogenetcis, Chromosomal Aberrations, Chromosomal Mosaicism, GeneticsAbstract
Chromosomal mosaicism is defined as the presence of two or more cell lines with different chromosomal constitutions in the same individual. The present study aims to analyze the prevalence of chromosomal mosaicisms from 2,500 patients who underwent a cytogenetic study carried out in a genetics laboratory located in a city of the Rio de Janeiro State from 04/2011 to 01/2020. Of the 2,500 karyotype exams analyzed, 19 presented chromosomal mosaicisms, nine of which were female, eight male and two undefined. Regarding the type, the study found 14 cases of numerical chromosome aberrations and five cases of structural chromosome aberrations. Infertility was the most prevalent clinical indication, totaling seven patients. Among the 19 cases in this study, two were published in scientific journals. Chromosomal mosaicism can present cell lines with very variable percentages. For greater security, it suggests counting a larger number of cells to increase the chance of identifying these aberrations.Downloads
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