Evaluation of the socioeconomic and health conditions of fishing workers participanting in the “CERTIFIC/PESCA” program in Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ
Fishermen, Occupational diseases, Occupational healthAbstract
The Instituto Federal Fluminense and the Medical School of Campos-RJ, attentive to the socioeconomic and health conditions of fishing workers, conducted an observational and transversal study in two fishing communities in the municipality of Campos dos Goytacazes - Ponta Grossa dos Fidalgos and Lagoa de Cima. We evaluated the socioeconomic and health conditions of 56 fishing workers who participate in the “CERTIFIC/PESCA” program. We identified, through interviews and individual questionnaires, the presence of Chronic Non- Communicable Diseases and / or their risk factors associated with lack of health prevention strategies, such as preventive screening, use of sunscreen, and vaccination.Downloads
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