Educational digital games in EPT: a focus on pedagogical approaches
educational digital games, learning theories, game mechanics elements, professional and technological educationAbstract
The objective of this research was to analyze the digital games used in pedagogical practices by teachers of the Department of Computing (DECOM) course at CEFET-MG, with the aim of verifying whether these games can be classified as educational. The main authors who were part of the theoretical framework about games and game design were: Man (2021), Schell (2011), Boller (2013) and Reeve (2012). About games and learning: Ang, Avni and Zaphiris (2008), Fardo (2013) and Prensky (2012). About pedagogical approaches: Lima (2018), Leão (2021) and Siemens (2004). About Professional and Technological Education: Dallabona and Fariniuk (2016). Methodologically, the research was qualitative and descriptive. The technical procedure was an experiment in digital games Robocode, Flexbox Froggy and Gridgarden. It was concluded that these games can be classified as educational, as they contain elements of game mechanics and the principles of one or more pedagogical approaches.Downloads
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