Fruit quality of strawberry cultivars submitted to nutrient spraying in semi-hydroponic system
Fragaria x ananassa, nutraceutical properties, antioxidant activity, boron, zincAbstract
Society's demand for foods with high organoleptic and nutraceutical quality requires studies that identify superior cultivars and nutritional management that provides gains in quality attributes. The attributes pH, soluble solids (SS), titratable acidity (TA), SS/TA ratio, total contend of flavonoids (FVT), anthocyanins (ATC), phenols compounds (TPC), vitamin C (Vit C) and total antioxidant activity (TAA) of pseudofruits of two cultivars of short days (Pircinque and Jônica) and two of neutral days (Albion and San Andreas) submitted to spraying with water or nutrients (PAN) (B, Zn and B + Zn) under semi-hydroponic system in Alto Vale do Itajaí/SC, Brazil. Pseudofruits from short-day cultivars have higher SS content and SS/AT ratio. PAN does not influence pH, SS, AT and SS/AT ratio. Strawberries from Jônica and Albion stand out for their high Vit C content. The application of Zn increases Vit C of the cultivars. The variation found in the levels of FVT, ATC and TAA, is mainly due to the genetics of each cultivar. The TAA correlated positively with the FvT and ATC content and negatively with SS. Higher TAA were observed in decreasing order for San Andreas, Jônica, Albion and Pircinque. Pircinque strawberries are sweeter, with higher SS and SS/AT ratio, but with lower TAA.Downloads
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